My French Bouilette Lamp

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Happy Monday lovely readers!  Before we get into today's post,  I'd like to thank everyone for all of the positive comments and feedback on my reveal for the most recent One Room Challenge.  You guys make my day! I still plan to add and finish a few things in those rooms so I'll update you with progress reports as they happen.

And speaking of updates, I've already changed out something in my living room.  I found a new lamp while shopping in Atlanta over Mother's Day weekend.  Actually my Mom spotted the lamp and kindly offered it up for me to purchase. So I did.

Are you familiar with the French Bouillotte lamp?  After consulting Professor Google, I've learned that the bouillotte lamp originated in France and was used on the playing table for a card game (similar to poker) known as Bouillotte.  The original design included a tray where chips were stored and a key at the top of the lamp that would allow the shade to be moved as the candles they used at the time burned down.

That's all very interesting but I bought the lamp because I loved the aged finish and painted detail.  And it casts a nice little glow in my room at night.

And so yes, room(s) not yet completely done and we're already making changes.  This happens to you too, right?

The Green Room Interiors provides Interior Decorating and Design Services in Chattanooga, TN.  If you'd like to discover the joy of living in a well designed home that captures your spirit, contact Kim Lemmon at 423.653.3186 or email

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Tiffany Leigh said...

I love it! And I love your little ceramic greyhound on the shelf too. Perfect styling!

Tropical Life Style said...

As always you have a wonderful topics and ideas here! Not only is the furniture beautiful but the whole accessories in the room. The lamp is amazing, one of a kind!

Sebastian Chuter

Julie Taylor and Danni Greenwalt said...

Great lamp...I also love all the blue walls!

Unknown said...

It’s beautiful, perfect, and I love it. I am searching for the lamp in my house. May have to be a nice room wall table, but I have beautiful pieces to share.
Lamp Bring Modern

Sharon Rexroad's Bringing Creativity 2 Life said...

I just saw a pair of Bouillotte lamps at the Goodwill in my mom's town and I SO thought of you. They weren't nearly as nice as yours, but if they're still there when I leave town, they might be coming to Chicago with me.

Unknown said...

Beautiful lamp, and you know WE join you in the constantly rearranging and tweaking club. I love your new space! xo nancy

Andrea said...

Such a beautiful lamp, Kim! I love these!!

The Glam Pad

Andrea said...

Such a beautiful lamp, Kim! I love these!!

The Glam Pad