... is the first thing my daughter sees when she walks into her room. It's her prom dress and tonight she will go to her very first prom! Is she excited? She must be, because all of her other clothes look like this ...
Notice the difference? So much excitement. There's the dress, and then these shoes
She is 17 years old and has loved this color since she was a little girl, long before it became as popular is it is now.
So here I sit on the morning of her very first prom feeling one of those huge emotions that don't have a name. You know that feeling when you're half happy and half sad and you don't know which one is winning and the tears come out anyway? Yeah, that's the one.
The happy is that she is an amazing human being who is growing stronger and more independent every day. She is a beautiful woman/ child physically but her real beauty is found inside. She is good and kind and generous and all of the things you hope and pray your child will be.
The sad is Ohmygosh what has happened to all the time I thought I had with her? It's also that she IS growing more independent every day, which means each day she needs me a little less. It's funny because my brain has always known that this was going to happen but my heart feels totally unprepared for it!
So what's a Mom to do? I'm going to try and be brave and embrace the happy and share in the joy and excitement I know she is feeling right now.
And in that spirit, I have selected some rooms that I think reflect her love of the color turquoise (with some sparkle for her shiny personality)!

This one reminds me of the boyfriend's tux, all black & white with a hit of turquoise.
All images from the stellar House of Turquoise
Have an amazing weekend and give your kids an extra hug!!!
Gosh, I can SO relate to this post. Your job is to grow them up, to give them wings to fly away, yet when the BIG moments come to start releasing your grip it is SO bittersweet. My daughter was born in March and has always loved the turquoise color of her birthstone ~ aquamarine. We are a few years away from prom, but are actually going shopping tomorrow for a spring dance. I have loved all of the stages of my kid's lives, including this one where she is on the cusp of being who she will ultimately be when she waves goodbye and heads to college. Okay, now I'M in tears! Enjoy the big weekend and I hope you'll post pictures! xx P&H
Although my oldest daughter is 4, this post still makes me have a knot in my stomach :) I know prom will be here before we know it. . . .
Thanks for your sweet comments on my blog, btw.
Thanks for stopping by my blog. I love this post...it's very sweet. I have a four year old daughter with whom I'll be attending a fairy festival with this wknd...I can't wait to toss caution to the wind and be in the moment. As for your comment about doing a photo gallery in your hall...it doesn't have to be asymmetrical...mine aren't. I like symmetry too!
Hi, I found your blog via The Zhush. I'm an interior designer living and working in NYC, but my husband and I are from Signal Mountain!! It's nice to hear about what's going on in Chattanooga!
I'll try to check back periodically. Feel free to stop by my blog and say hello!
Oh Kim, I've been where you are and as I sit here typing, I'm waiting for my daughter to call me to say she's in labor with her first child! Each one of these inexplicable emotions like you feel today is for the purpose of helping you disconnect and free her to find her own feet. Painful? incredibly, but the upside is you get to see and experience her become all that you want her to be. Soak it up, record it with tons of pictures and make sure to write down how this day feels. I hope she has a wonderful time! Oh,...great pics, BTW....this is a design blog, right?
Such a wonderful time in your daughter's life, brings back many memories.
Art by Karena
Awww, that is so sweet! I hope she has the most wonderful time, prom is magical, I wish I could to prom again (mainly, I want a chance to wear a dress like that!). Gorgeous rooms, too, love the Breakfast at Tiffany's poster, so clever!
what an exciting time....lovely post...
This is a beautiful post. I think it's one that your daughter will love to read years down the road. And someday down the road, hopefully she'll experience the same half happy / half sad tears. I hope this weekend is wonderful for her.
Oh my goodness, will squeeze all mine extra tight! Have tears welling in my eyes at the thought of a prom! Her messy room reminds me of how I was at her age! How lucky that her bf has such great taste! So pretty...all of it!
Oh this is so touching and it is a bitter-sweet experience. One minute you can literally smell them as a baby and then next minute you can be rolling your eyes because of something they just said or did. She will look so beautiful, I hope we get to see some pictures.Like I end all of my blog post, " Enjoy the Process!" Kathysue
Thanks all for your well wishes. I will post (a few) photos next post!
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